Davos Guide: Panel Power

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World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland

A rabbit in the headlights (read, ‘consumed by a fear of the stage’); a peacock on show (‘all bluster and BS’); or the lion in the jungle (‘confident, with a strong grasp of the facts and at ease with the setting’)? Which one are you? Which one you would rather be is a given. Attaining panel fitness, like any workout, requires an investment of time, practice, self-discipline and following a few rules. 

Rules of the Ring

1. Rules of the Ring. The role of the moderator is polar opposite to that of the panelist. A moderator should, ideally, speak the least of anyone on stage. Like a conductor, your job is to create a harmony, to guide, cajole, watch the clock, and orchestrate an informative and dynamic debate. It’s not easy, particularly when one or two of the panelists are either shy, non-stop talkers or, and it happens, playing with their phone. You are the general. This is your show, your rules. In contrast, the panelist is there to, yes, drive a message but not to the point where it hijacks the panel topic. You are a contributor. Use the opportunity to market yourself as a ‘thought leader,’ as someone who can think out of the box and be a sage face of the company you represent.

Own the Stage

2. Know your arena. Nerves can be hellish. They can throw you off your game, send you down a cul-de-sac of nonsensical tosh and, in the worst case, totally shut you down. Public speaking is easier said than done but declining an opportunity, when asked by your boss or a conference organizer, is a mistake. You just need to know your arena. Be there early, walk the room, feel the scene – ‘own’ the stage. Know the content of the panel. If the moderator has not been in touch, and he/she should have two weeks prior, call and find out the preferred talking points. Do your research and pick out a handful of useful facts. Don’t overburden yourself, you only need a few stats. Don’t bore the audience with an encyclopedia of facts and figures. Most important, avoid jargon. It’s mind-numbing and you will lose the crowd.

Housekeeping 101

3.  Housekeeping 101. This may sound obvious but, in the heat of the moment, the simple touches can be forgotten. In a world of 24/7 digital media, it pays to have an inner voice screaming “attention to detail”. Remove your lanyard, you don’t want that in pictures; check, and double check, that your mic works; ensure the mic is center and not to one side, otherwise your voice will drop off when you turn your head; PHONE OFF OR ON SILENT, NOT EVEN ON BUZZER; straighten your jacket or dress, avoid the crumpled look; and always check a mirror before going on stage. I rarely eat before moderating a panel and opt instead for a few glasses of warm water to help soften the larynx. 
4. Authentic You. This is another case of ‘easier said than done’ but it’s incredibly important. If you are nervous, take a deep breath. Take many. Breathe from your diaphragm, take your time and cement your feet. The audience and other panelists want to hear you. That’s why you’ve been invited to speak. Keep an eye on your body language. Don’t cross your arms, it looks defensive; don’t slouch, it looks disinterested; and keep your eye on the prize, listen to the other panelists, react to their observations and feed off the dialogue. The moderator will love you for it and, the chances are, the audience will too.

Storytelling that Sticks

5. Storytelling that Sticks. Nothing beats a short, succinct, punchy but powerful anecdote to push your point. ‘Short’ is the essence. Even comedians keep a tight rein on the length of their stories and they’re the experts. Think before you walk up there – how can I frame my message so it has the most impact and resonates with the audience? It may be an anecdote from a recent visit to a factory in some far-flung region, or a quirky change in consumer behaviour. They are insights that could be the prelude to an about-turn in buying trends. Who knows? Either way, it is unique to you. You are inviting the audience into the workplace while demonstrating how much you’re in touch with stakeholders, whether they be your customer, staff, supplier, investor. Personal stories always resonate.

Think Like Putin

6. Think Like Putin. Know your Facts! Russian President Putin is a master at this. He plays a panel or press conference like a game of chess. He listens to the question, pauses, mentally flicks through his hard drive of facts, fixes a stare and boom! He also plays off the translation gadgetry to give himself extra time. He is fluent in German so I would make an educated guess that he’s just as fluent in English. At Putin’s end-of-year news conference in 2014, the renowned BBC war correspondent John Simpson pointedly asked the Russian President about his military aggression on the global stage. Putin’s response was calm, studied and reinforced by the simple statistic that Russia’s annual military budget of $75 billion was minimal when compared to the U.S.’s $575 billion, “Are you telling me I’m the aggressor here?” NBC Anchor Megyn Kelly ran into a similar brick wall when, in 2017 at the St. Petersburg International Forum, she questioned Putin about Russia’s alleged interference in the U.S. election. Throwing down the gauntlet, she cited the findings of a report by 17 U.S. intelligence agencies. Slowly removing his earpiece, Putin wryly asked, “Have you read the report?” Kelly said she had. She couldn’t have, he said, it’s top secret. 1-0 to Putin. When she rallied back, citing proof of fingerprints. He responded with, “What fingerprints?” 2-0, and so on. Admittedly he was speaking in front of a partisan crowd but he tackled each question like a balletic barrister delivering a closing argument. Both moments have each picked up more than a million views on YouTube. Recommended viewing!

Putin may not be in Davos, indeed he has not returned since his “perfect storm” speech in 2009, yet an interview with him is probably the toughest game in media town. It’s also what the top journalists live for, the chance to take on a quick brain and most intimidating of personalities. Megyn Kelly and John Simpson are exceptional journalists, top of their field and highly respected. Putin is simply the chess grand master when it comes to tackling difficult questions. Panel rule: It sometimes helps to ‘think like Putin.’  


When it comes to appearing on a panel, remind yourself to “Enjoy it and be yourself.” Another ‘easier said than done’ line, I know. It’s so important though. Breathe, breathe and breathe again. Let me throw in another line that my boss in London said to me before the biggest interview of my career at the time. It was September 2001, two weeks after the 9/11 attacks, security was intense and the team had a one-hour, three camera shoot with General Electric’s legendary CEO Jack Welch. As I was heading out of the newsroom, I asked my boss for any last words of advice. “Yes,” she said. “Don’t f*ck it up!” To this day, particularly in those sink-or-swim moments, I tap into that moment. Those four words galvanized me then. Let them galvanize you now.